Single Grant Spending Tracker (Excel version)

Categories: Excel, Finances
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About Course

In this course you will learn to use Excel to create a spending tracker for one grant.


This course is perfect for people who have never used spreadsheets before and will help make grant reporting a breeze.


The total time for this course is 1 hour 45 minutes.


Skills you will learn in this course:

  • Accessing OneDrive and Excel
  • Key terminology in spreadsheets
  • What to do if you make a mistake in a spreadsheet
  • Basic spreadsheet skills
  • Number formats
  • Data validation
  • The Sum formula
  • The Sumif formula
  • Conditional formatting
  • Your feedback is invaluable to DigiQuick! Share your thoughts with the feedback form on the lesson homepage, or leave us a 5-star review if you enjoyed the course.

Course Content

Section 1 – Introduction
Learn the basics of Excel and start making your spending tracker

Section 2 – Total spent, Total left, Amount left
Learn how to use the Sum formula to automatically calculate the: - total spent - total left - amounts left in each category

Section 3 – Amount spent by category
Learn how to use the Sumif formula to automatically caluclate the amount spent from each grant category.

Section 4 – Finishing up
Learn how to use conditional formatting to put the final touches on your spending tracker

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