E-learning to help charity teams succeed online
Hands-on training
Be digitally confident
Short, online lessons
Learn by making tools which can fit straight into your charity
Access training based on our own experience starting and running a non-profit
All DigiQuick lessons are online and shorter than 15 minutes
You don’t need any prior knowledge or experience. Learn from the ground up
You’ve tried training which wasted your time on skills which didn’t help you.
DigiQuick is different.
DigiQuick has been designed specifically for charities, helping you learn the essential digital skills to get you back to what matters.
Your mission.
With DigiQuick training, you will be able to learn practical skills you can use straight away, you will become more confident with Spreadsheets and learn about Canva.
Click an icon to try a course
Grant spending tracker (Excel)
Learn Spreadsheet fundamentals and make a spending tracker for your next grant
Session register (Google Sheets)
Learn Spreadsheet fundamentals and make a session register which tracks demographics
Grant spending tracker (Google Sheets)
Learn Spreadsheet fundamentals and make a spending tracker for your next grant
Choose a course and start learning
Put your new skills into practice
Help your charity achieve its mission
When we first began our own community organisation in 2017, we found it really difficult.
We fixed it.
“I used to ask my husband for help with Spreadsheets, but I don’t need to anymore!”
– Susie
Leaf Creative Arts
“Knowing lessons are short means that I can fit DigiQuick into my day”
– Tim Scott – Hub Service Coordinator (West Midlands)
Cruse Bereavement Support
But what if it didn’t have to be like that? What if there could be training designed with you in mind?
DigiQuick is an e-learning site of video lessons which teach you the digital skills to help your charity towards its mission.
DigiQuick training is hands-on. You won’t be watching boring lectures, you won’t be drowning in theory. With DigiQuick, you will learn skills through interactive lessons and by creating tools which can genuinely benefit your charity, like tracking grant spending. Every lesson you take part in will strengthen your charity.
It can be so hard to fit traditional training into your schedule. DigiQuick is made of 15-minute lessons which are online. You can learn anywhere and anytime. So that training can finally fit into your schedule.
Have you ever felt frustrated by training which is not charity specific? DigiQuick training is designed by people with expertise in the charitable sector. All of the tools in the courses have been tested and shaped by other charities, so that you can be sure you are learning the essential digital skills to succeed in the charity sector.
You might feel that you don’t have enough experience to learn with DigiQuick, every DigiQuick course has been designed with beginners in mind. We explain all of the terminology, have big arrows pointing to the key information and start from the ground up. If you feel more confident, the lessons have been designed to be easy to navigate, so that you can skip ahead to the relevant information.
DigiQuick has been designed for people working in charities, let us help you learn the skills to make your work less stressed and get your charity back on mission.
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