(1 Rating)

Session Register Which Tracks Demographics With Google Sheets

Categories: Data, Google Sheets
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About Course

In this course you will learn to use Google Sheets to create a spending tracker for one grant.


This course is perfect for people who have never used spreadsheets before and will help make grant reporting a breeze.


The total time for this course is 2 hours 39 minutes.


Skills you will learn in this course:

  • Accessing Google sheets
  • Key terminology in spreadsheets
  • What to do if you make a mistake in a spreadsheet
  • Basic spreadsheet skills
  • Data validation
  • The Counta formula
  • The Countif formula
  • The Countifs formula
  • The Sum formula
  • Your feedback is invaluable to DigiQuick! Share your thoughts with the feedback form on the lesson homepage, or leave us a 5-star review if you enjoyed the course.

Course Content

Section 1 – Introduction
Learn the basics of Google sheets and start making your session register

Section 2 – Sessions attended and people worked with
Learn how to use the Counta formula to automatically count: - the total number of people you have worked with - the number of sessions each person has come to

Section 3 – Genders and ethnicities
Learn how to use the Countif formula to automatically count how many people you have worked with of different genders and ethnicities.

Section 4 – Age ranges
Learn how to use the Countifs formula to automatically count the number of people between ANY age range.

Section 5 – Number of interventions
Learn how to use the Sum formula to automatically count the total number of interventions your project has had.

Student Ratings & Reviews

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4 months ago
Use this in my projects. Made grant reporting my easier